Sync NotePlan's calendar to local calendar
Naomi Parte
It would be great if NotePlan integrates the ability to subscribe to its calendar from other calendars such as Google and Apple calendar.
When I create tasks on NotePlan, it just stays on NotePlan and I can't see it from my Apple Watch or other devices that don't have NotePlan installed. Being able to subscribe to NotePlan's calendar should be a simple feature that most to-do list/ daily planner apps have and I'd expect it to be present in such a Calendar driven planner like NotePlan.
It would be awesome if you could incorporate this feature if you haven't already.
Joe Francia
It's not quite what you're asking, but you can drag tasks into the calendar from your notes, and either create a time block - which stays in NotePlan - or create an event which goes on your default calendar. Eduard (the developer) just posted a video showing how this works:
Hope this is helpful!