In the search and review views:
  • ✅ Filter tasks by folders (exclude all tasks where the note is NOT in a specific folder), so you can just view work related or personal tasks.
  • Exclude tasks by folders (exclude all tasks where the note IS in a specific folder), similar as above, but exclude instead of include.
  • Exclude tasks by hashtag or any keyword Related: Reddit Post
  • Relative time intervals, not only “past” or “future” but things like “next 3 days” or “this month”.
  • In-Place editing of tasks and update the edited result once done
  • Sort by notes by edited, created, title asc/desc
  • Consider adding priority as native featured (!, !!, !!!), so we can sort by priority in the search results
  • Group filters into folders (i.e. make the filters list hierarchical like the note list)
  • Show all tasks of a note containing a tag (filter by note, not by paragraph) -> “by paragraph” and a “by note” keyword filter
  • Filter tasks by keyword in heading (so you can search for related tasks across different notes)
  • OR filter
Implementation Ideas
We could add an extra field or dropdown for folders and an extra field for note scoped filters.
Exclude/include could be managed by writing
for excluding (prepend with
Keywords could be chained together using
Other apps with this feature
  • 2Do