Files/Folders/Sidebar items manual ordering
Lou Greenwood
Also, since
Option to reorder the sidebar
was merged in...Also a +1 for being able to re-order and even remove other sidebar entries.
I don't want search as a top-level sidebar entry, search isn't more important than my projects, it's an ancillary tool, not a "category".
I don't want want filters as a top-level thing... these are just smart folders with a pre-defined filtering category.
I want to quickly & easily get to my data when I use the app, I don't want visual clutter or snags which every time I use the app trigger the thought "why is __this__ thing here, I don't want it here, I didn't ask for it here, but here it is poking me in the eye when I just want to do my task". 😉
Lou Greenwood
It's almost 2025, adding a +1 here...
I'm trying out Noteplan as a replacement to Things... it's so close in many respects and beats it in many others.
But being able to manage sorting to meet my needs instead of being forced into the paradigm imposed by the developers is one of those things which is killing it's chances!
Imagine a "normal" person downloads it from the app store, they try to sort stuff in the side bar like any usual person expects (using
as an example) and they're implicitly told "no, you can't manually sort, instead use this archaic, file system sorting method... oh, and make sure that you use the imaginary number 00
because on some file systems 2
comes after 10
".Like, I said... it's almost 2025. AI will take my job in the next few years but here I am, being forced to manual sorting using imaginary numbers in file names instead of just using normal, everyday UX patterns.
Eduard Metzger
Merged in a post:
Option to reorder the sidebar
Ron Mizrahi
I would like to have the possibility to rearrange the sidebar headings.
Luis Chaves Rodriguez
this and chronological sorting are very important to me
this is a problem that I and many others have with other Note apps as well. It's a simple concept but extremely important to users, so much so it can play a significant part in their decision to keep using an app or not. This is because in many people's systems, the order of folders/notes can be directly linked to logical grouping and more importantly Priority. I'm not sure if the importance of this ability is being downplayed or if it is difficult to implement, but it would be disappointing if it didn't make the cut.
Russell Durham
Really wishing I could just... manually order my folders/notes... Confused as to why this isn't yet possible
Aaron Kovalchik
Manual sort should be available in all apps with lists of items. Scrivener is the gold standard
Ge Ke
I would even be good with the need to still prepend folder names with numbers to force sorting - but then have the UI hide a certain pattern.
For example, if NotePlan decided to use the pattern -##- and then I named my folders
-10-First Folder
-20-Second Folder
-21-Third folder
And then the UI hid the -##- portion of the folder name so in the sidebar I only see
First Folder
Second Folder
Third folder
Eduard Metzger
Merged in a post:
Sidebar order
Jos Moons
I'm using "smart folders" the most, particularly "Recent" A LOT
And Because I have many notes, i always have to scroll down for it. Needlesly.
Why not let us control the order of: the main items in the sidebar?
- Noteplan
- Notes
- Smart Folders
- Tags
This should be quite easy to implement!
Or at leat have "Recent" at the top, is it's meant to be used as a shortcut, yet it's buried if you have many notes.
Eduard Metzger
Merged in a post:
Customize notes sorting order
Anton Sklyar
Right now the project notes are being sorted in a very opinionated way: folders are sorted alphabetically and notes inside them are sorted by the latest update time, and this is not cuztomizable.
Sorting by update date is not always desired, and it especially messes things up when one tries to do some sequential naming. For example, I have a folder “Quarterly Notes” with notes named “FY21 Q1”, “FY21 Q2”, etc. Whenever I edit a note, it becomes first in the list, but I want quarterly notes to go sequentially: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.
Please, make an option to change sort order on a folder, so that if I have some folder where I want notes to be sorted alphabetically or by creation date, I could easily set that up.
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