Email to NotePlan (as Plugin?)
Anton Sklyar
It would be great if one could forward any email to some NotePlan address and NotePlan would recognize the sender and create a note from that email.
This could be a command bar plugin at first. We would need some script and configuration file with the email credentials and a way to download emails, then scan for "send to noteplan" flags and pull the body out, saving it into an inbox folder in NotePlan.
David Deutsch
this is one of the great advantages of things 3, but I would rather see it implemented here. As I go through emails, if I just mark them to read later, they end up in an exponentially growing folder of things I never read. plus when I'm on the road and get an email that I want to respond to later, I usually forward it to things 3 and they appear in my inbox. One of the problems with ADHD is that I need a fence built around my world, anywhere there's an opening, something finds it way out and lost until I happen upon it again. otherwise noteplan is my new go to. thanks.
Ryan Glover
I do this, to a certain degree, with macOS Mail. You just drag the email that you want into a note and it adds a link to that message ID that when clicked, opens up that email.
Naman Goel
Shortcuts on iOS would be easier to support instead of this. Hopefully Apple adds Shortcuts on the Mac soon and then it would work there as well. Maybe adding support for AppleScript might make sense (for Automator)
Jonathan Clark
Nice in theory, but if I understand you right, it would be a very big change to the current security model and architecture. For NP would then need a way to get to and write to each of our various local data stores, which it doesn’t have at the moment.
Eduard Metzger
Jonathan Clark: Indeed, CloudKit's security mechanisms don't allow accessing data of users except my own ones. So a backend solution which writes data to anyone's CloudKit is not possible.
Anton Sklyar
Following workflow could work:
- I set up in NotePlan an email address for it to detect that emails forwarded from that email address belong to me.
- NotePlan backend collects emails in kind of "inbox", without accessing CloudKit.
- When I open NotePlan, I can see "inbox" and can turn those "inbox" backend notes into daily or project notes manually.
I don't know if it is worth implementing, but seems feasible.
Eduard Metzger
Anton Sklyar: I think this is feasible and a good place as a plugin. In this plugin you could define your username and password for the emails and it could - upon activation - download the emails, look for NotePlan emails and save the body into a note file.