



Weekly Notes have arrived in NotePlan! Weekly Notes are a dedicated note type that lets you plan your week and help you stay on track each day. The Weekly Note is displayed at the top of your daily note and displays your weekly tasks, goals, or anything else you put inside. Then drag any task from your Weekly Note inside a Daily Note to work on it. Combined with the new synced lines feature, NotePlan now also lets you keep a single task updated everywhere. From a project note, over a weekly note, to a daily note. Check it off in one place and it’s checked off everywhere.
With the Weekly Note, you get to see everything that you need to do this week, each day. The Weekly Note sits on top of the Daily Note to remind you of tasks, important goals, weekly targets, and so much more. It forces you to focus on the bigger picture and not get sidetracked by other daily tasks that pop up. In short: Weekly Notes let you plan better and work more efficiently.
CleanShot 2022-06-09 at 17
Use Weekly Notes to:
  • Set weekly goals
    . See what’s important each day and focus on your goals.
  • Plan important tasks
    and stay on track. Drag tasks from your Weekly Notes to your Daily Notes and complete whatever needs to be done.
  • Create a weekly inbox
    . Haven’t completed something for the day? Drag it into the Weekly Note and reorganize the rest of the week.
Synced lines are a new NotePlan feature that keeps a single task updated everywhere, from a project note over a Weekly Note to a Daily Note. Complete a task, change the name, add tags or mentions and the changes are reflected everywhere. It’s a great way to keep everything up to date. And it’s as simple as copy and paste. Just look for the blue NotePlan icon at the end of your synced line. You’ll find synced lines under Preferences → Labs. Learn here more.
  • Templates are now excluded from your search
  • You can add soft returns by pressing Shift+Enter
  • Right-clicking on a filter/review lets you link to that filter
  • “Week” View has been renamed to “7-Day” View
  • “Review” has been renamed to “Filters”
  • On macOS you can change the font size with CMD+ or CMD- and reset it with Control+CMD+0
  • An endless loop with synced lines has been fixed
  • A rare crash with loading the attendees URL is now corrected
  • Pasting URL now fixes HTML encoding
  • A glitch when resizing the reference area was fixed
  • You can now open a link in the 7-Day View with Opt+CMD+Enter
  • Better performance for scrolling inside notes with lots of inserted text blocks (e.g. templates)
  • File names can now have a period (”.”)
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